Friday, December 11, 2009

Update Your Bookmarks -!

The All-New, All-Different!

Stop over there and check out all the free swag, including the entire first chapter of both Awakening Volume One and Volume Two, previews of Rusted: Faded Signal, appearing in Popgun Volume 4 (Image) this February, and Perhapanauts: A Grim's Haunt, appearing as a two-part back up in The Perhapanauts (Image) this spring. There's also script samples, trailers, and more!

All that said, part of the reason for the site was to consolidate all this online mumbo jumbo, so I will no longer be on MySpace or Blogger. I won't be checking comments, updating the blogs (unless something truly extrodinary is going on, and even then it'll just be a mention directing readers to the new site), or adding friends. All my contact info is on the new site so if anybody wants to reach on out and touch me they can drop me an email, leave a comment on the new blog, or hit the Awakening Twitter. Otherwise, this is just going to hang around the interweb and direct wayward souls towards the new and exciting site.

See you guys over there!

- Nick